1882 : Act V.] Easements. 199 6. An casement may be permanent, or for a term of years or other limited Easement for period., or subject to periodical interruption, or exerciseable only at a certain llrn^^tioie place or at certain times, or between certain hours, or for a particular purpose, tion. or on condition that it shall commence or become void or voidable on the happening of a specified event or the performance or non-performance of a specified act. 7. Easements are restrictions of one or other of the following rights, Easements namely:-— restrictive of . . certain rights* (a) The exclusive right of every owner oŁ irnmoveable property (subject Exclusive to any law for the time being in force) to enjoy and dispose of the same and products thereof and accessions thereto. M) T ho right of every owner of immoveablc property (subject to any law Eights to for the timi* being in force) to enjoy without disturbance by another the ad™ntaf?es , i i , . arising from natural advantages arising Irom its situation, situation. Jlliuttratwws of the rfykt* above referred to. (a) The exclusive right of every owner of land in a town to build on suck laud, subject to any nmnioipal law for the lime being in force. (h\ The right of every owner of land that the air passing thereto shall not be unreason- ably poll utwl by other p««i sous. (<•) The right of evoiy owner of a houne that his physical comfort bkall not bo interfer* eel with wateiially and unreasonably by noise or vibration caused by any other person. (//) The rigll of every owner of land io so much light and air as pass vertically thereto. (r) The right of every owner of land that such laud, in its natural condition, shall have the* support naturally rendered by the subjacent and adjacent soil of another person. J?jyjJflwtff/0H.--Tjand is in its natural condition when it is not excavated and not sub* jectoil to artificial pressure; and the " nubjaoent and adjacent soil'* mentioned in this illustration uicatiH such soil only a» in i's Batumi condition would support the dominant heritage in it» natural condition. (/) The right of every owner of land that, within hia owu limits, the water which naturally paRst'H or percolates by, (.verov through hin landfall not, before so passing or percolating* be unreasonably polluted by other persons. (0) The right oŁ every owner of land